Fan Blade Design For Aircraft Engine Using Topology Optimisation And Additive Manufacturing

Master’s Thesis

My final-year-project at university was carried out at the Rolls-Royce Vibration University Technology Centre (VUTC) and addressed the critical challenge of reducing fuel consumption in the aerospace industry by designing more lightweight and efficient structures. The primary objective was to perform topology optimization on an aircraft engine fan blade, employing Abaqus Tosca, and exploring the feasibility of this approach in a commercial design context alongside additive manufacturing methods.

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The project started with a comprehensive investigation into existing topology optimization methods, with a focus on density-based algorithms. Initial finite element analysis studies were conducted on a reference blade design, inspired by a Rolls-Royce Trent 500 blade, to establish baseline results for future comparisons.

Several iterations of topology optimisation were then carried out followed by a final round of comprehensive finite element analyses in order to evaluate the proposed design, including its mechanical performance as well as its vibratory response. The final optimised blade design yielded significant improvements:

  • 31% reduction in peak von Mises stress

  • 26% reduction in mass

  • 30% reduction in radial deflection

  • 18% reduction in the distance of the centre of mass from the axis of rotation.

This project exemplified the potential of topology optimization and additive manufacturing in the aerospace industry with tangible and quantitative results indicating increased performance and reduced weight. However, practical challenges were encountered such as in handling exported files from Tosca and the lack of seamless integration of additive manufacturing constraints in commercial topology optimisation software. Therefore, the project also underscored the need for software improvements to enhance these methodologies for wider industry adoption.

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